Saturday, April 27, 2013

Character Sketch: Walter Smith

(This post starts off a series of occassional posts about the characters we play in Adventure!, so you can get to know them a wee bit better. First up is the indominable Walter Smith, who was played by my friend Levi. Next week we'll get back to the action, with another thrilling story from the pages of Bridgette's Diary.)

Walter Smith

(Wallpaper from HD Wallpapers.)

            2nd Lt. Richard Donovan served with distinction during the Great War, working his way from private to his current rank. It was actually on the battlefield where he first saw things which could not be easily explained, including a first, early encounter with the vampire Nafriel, although he did not understand the significance at the time.

            It was after returning home and being recruited by Branch 9 that young Donovan took the name Walter Smith. He stands about five foot ten inches tall, and is in his mid-30s, making him possibly the only character older than Bridgette. His dark black hair is still kept shorter with a white streak at the temple betraying the awesome situations he has seen. His dark brown eyes usually carry the deadpan, unfazed expression of one who has pretty much seen it all and just isn’t easily impressed anymore.

            Much to either Bridgette’s amusement or dismay, Walter often peppers his language with more, umm, colorful vocabulary, which would not have been easily used in the presence of women during the 1920s, at least not by men of Walter’s caliber. He’s greatly helped expand her own vocabulary, although with most of the words she would only be caught muttering them under her breath.

            Bridgette trusts Walter a great deal, partly because he has more than earned that trust over their time together but also because he reminds of her late father. While Bridgette and her father may have had their differences, he was a man of honor and integrity who was willing to stand up for her when need be. Walter has proven himself made of the same cloth. It is also perhaps because of this connection that Walter manages to not intimidate Bridgette unnecessarily simply by being around her, which is an affect he has on most other people. And when he wants to, Walter can be most intimidating indeed.

            Walter is a big reason Bridgette is willing to work on a contractual basis for Branch 9, simply because of the trust she has placed in him. Also, he is the one who helped her outfit her lab in the basement of her house. While not tip top state of the art, it is still a pretty impressive place in which to conduct research.

            Walter is currently no longer working in the field, having allowed himself to be promoted to serving as the head of Branch 9’s District 13, which explores the more esoteric, not easily explained happenings going on in the world. Since Branch 9 is so secretive, when in the field and needed to pull some sort of official rank, he would claim to be a member of the Bureau of Investigation, the forerunner to our modern Federal Bureau of Investigation.

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