Thursday, March 21, 2013

Just a Quick Note

I am getting more of the story ready to publish. There should be a new installment this Saturday, as long as I remember to set the publish schedule for it. I've been really bad about remembering that I want a new installment up by Saturday afternoon, so I'm actually trying to get several ready at once and then just preschedule them. Then I'll just need to remember when new installments have to be ready to go.

Also, I think I'm going to go back and change the post titles to the name of the current adventure followed by that installment's name. So instead of everything starting "Bridgette's Diaries - cute chapter title here" they'll be "The Boston Tunnel Affair - cute name here." That way it'll be easier to know when the adventure changes to a new story.

Oh, and if you're interested in more info about 1920s history, check out the sidebar to your right for all kinds of fun links.

Thanks for checking me out!


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